Thursday, December 10, 2009

Vamp and Tramp

I attended the vamp and tramp "lecture" earlier this semester. They are a small business that caters to handmade artist book. I really enjoy bookmaking and letterpress printing, so I found the lecture particularly interesting. It was mostly a sort of show and tell. The man showed us tons of the books they sell. They were amazing. They were really not your average bound book. Each of them really pushed the concept of book, much farther than I've ever seen. There were intricate cut outs and folds. I was really inspired by this showing, especially Julie Chen's work.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I have to admit that I haven't accomplished much over the past two days. I have been sitting in front of the computer attempting to make headway but I seem to be wasting a lot of time. I have gone back through my project and edited things that were mentioned in class like the "noisy trees" and the timing of the zooms etc. I have a separate file for the opening scenes that I haven't rendered out yet and replaced but they have been fixed. I'm having a hard time with the parts where the scenery changes from behind the door. I need to the scene and the camera to change smoothly with the fading of the door. This is not an easy transition to make. I have spent hours trying to figure it out. Bottom line is that I have a lot of work to do over the weekend.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Working Again.....

Untitled from Taylor Wamble on Vimeo.

So this is part of the work I got rendered for class today. I'm disappointed in the amount I have done. The animation is going fairly quickly, however Im getting caught up in render time. What I have today is fairly glitchy and the movement is not smoothed and refined but it shows whats going on. Im curious as to whether or not the camera angles are working how I'm swithcing them now. I havent explored multiple camera viewpoints in this class thus far.