I will start by saying that i feel completely overwhelmed by the thought of choosing a topic. I don't know how to describe how I want them to look technically because I don't really know enough about the programs, but I do have general concepts:
1. I have vivid dreams nearly every night. Oddly enough my dreams are often times about me being immersed in a fantastical scene full of pastries, mostly cupcakes and donuts. Im convinced that I have these dreams because in my real life I wont allow myself to indulge in those things because I know that they are bad for me. So really this dream that appears so whimsical is really about temptation and oppression. It reminds me of the Bosch painting Garden of Earthly Delights. From a distance the painting appears so happy but when you really study it, its pretty messed up. Its warning us that if we indulge in earthly pleasures then we are damned to hell. So basically, I would like to explore the concept of temptation and the effects it has on the psyche when oppressed.
2. Also, I would like to explore moving typography. I guess it would be like moving signage or advertisements. It could be a narration of a story or lyrics to a song. They type could be used to animate what the story/song is saying.
3. I really like the collage look to some of the videos I've seen. Ones that use actual photographs, drawings and other 2-D art to comprise a scene. I think it might be interesting to use some older materials, like a set of paper dolls or illustrations in an old book. I like the idea of using dolls a metaphor for confinement.
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